Definitions and Axioms to Resolve
Dualism vs. Non-dualism

empiricism - O-D (Derivation from 0)


mysticism - the world is grounded in primary mental matter

dualism - physical mind accompanies every individuation of primary mental matter as physical body

idealism - matter, mind, and body are "filled" with idea and thing as cause and effect



field - relation between environment and individuating organism, introjected by organism as necessary guidance for inner self-creation, which is in fact noumenal creation of physical reality from another metaphysical perspective

operator - transformer of organism (and hence organic reality), either from without (field operators) or within (components of the field operators)

types of component operators - annihilation, destruction, affection, emotion, ideation, creation

creation, destruction, and annihilation operators pertain to fermionic matter, while ideation, affection, and emotion operators pertain to bosonic matter, thus accomplishing a supersymmetry at the level of primary mental matter

destruction operators are special, since their eigenvectors are coherent states and particle states are precisely coherent states of primary mental matter

Destruction, Ideation, Reduction, Affection, Creation (DIRAC) operators are contained within each destruction operator and these operators operate on particle states, which are the coherent states of primary mental matter.

The particle fields, or effective fields, are comprised of Destruction, Ideation, Reduction, Affection, Creation (DIRAC) operators, even as the unified field is comprised of annihilation, destruction, affection, emotion, ideation, creation operators.

Thus, State Vector Reduction pertains uniquely to particle states and in particluar to coherent particles states. Primary mental matter is inherently unreduced in character. Reduction comes about only by an operation of the field itself, thus accomplishing the aim of the GRW approach in the context of QFT.

The idea is that the component operators (lower case) pertain to primary mental matter (and not particles), as Heisenberg averred, while the mind or consciousness that arises from the coherent states of primary mental matter is the key to the process of individuation of primary mental matter into physical bodies or particles.

The connecting link is via the process discovered by William James, whereby cosmic consciousness, gained by the phenomenological reduction of Descartes and Husserl, becomes the stream of consciousness comprised of bits of experience that are neutral between content and consciousness.

Thus mind is in all cases the connecting link between primary mental matter and the bodies of physical reality studied in physics. The metaphysical axiom of physics must be that the world is grounded in primary mental matter, governed by the unified field of organism-environment relationship, which is the essential doctrine of mysticism.

Consciousness arises upon the base of primary mental matter, which in turn arises from the 0-D (Derivation from 0) foundation provided by empiricism, but consciousness is antecedent to all physical manifestations of individuated bodies or particles of matter.

This resolves in a fully satisfactory manner the conflict between dualism versus non-dualism, which has been raised by the challenges to the views of Henry Stapp by Matthew Donald and Bill Angelos.

It is in fact the only way to achieve a satisfactory resolution of this deep-seated conflict, as Heisenberg intuited many years ago.

Peter Joseph Mutnick 1949 - 2000
