Why Bohm Was So Deep![]() [Peter Mutnick, previously] BTW, the reason that Bohm was so deep is that he *was* a manifestation of Maitreya. Krishnamurti, like a good Guru, did not play God to Bohm, but rather empowered Bohm to realize his own Godhood, i.e., to ensoul the Mind of God, who *is* Maitreya. Only one who is similarly attuned to the Mind of God, such as myself, can recognize this. [Karel Havik] Krishnamurti was certainly not a guru! [Peter Mutnick] Krishnamurti certainly did function as a guru with respect to David Bohm, perhaps in spite of himself, but nonetheless he caused David Bohm to become attuned to the Mind of God, who is Maitreya, and that *is* the function of a true guru. I can recognize that attunement precisely because I am also attuned to the same Mind, and my attunement came through a Zen Master, Roshi Philip Kapleau, who was even more disinclined to the appellation of a guru, but it doesn't change the fact that he functioned as one with respect to me. [Karel] You, for one reason or another, see him as a guru but the following is what Krishnamurti said in his 'Truth is a pathless land' about that in 1929 whilst he realized that he could become one: [Jiddu Krishnamurti] "....... You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, "What did that man pick up?" "He picked up a piece of Truth," said the devil. "That is a very bad business for you, then," said his friend. "Oh, not at all," the devil replied, "I am going to let him organize it." [Peter] I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night alive as you or me. Said I but Joe you're ten years dead. I never died said he - what they could never kill went on to organize! [Krishnamurti, cont.] I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. [Peter] What a fanatic! [Krishnamurti, cont.] Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; [Peter] Not by anyone other than the Mind of God, who is Maitreya. [Krishnamurti, cont.] nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. [Peter] Ah, but Krishnamurti is trying to coerce people into remaining pathless. That is absolute nonsense! [Krishnamurti, cont.] If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. [Peter] Impossible for you, but not for Maitreya and those who are informed by Maitreya. [Krishnamurti, cont.] A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others. [Peter] As it is, only lies are imposed on others. That is the inevitable consequence if truth forfeits its claim to the souls of men. That it will never do. [Krishnamurti, cont.] This is what everyone throughout the world is attempting to do. [Peter] What is needed is for the source of truth itself to assume center stage and reconcile all the conflicting opinions about what truth is. [Krishnamurti, cont.] Truth is narrowed down and made a plaything for those who are weak, for those who are only momentarily discontented. Truth cannot be brought down, rather the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountain-top to the valley. If you would attain to the mountain-top you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices. You must climb towards the Truth, it cannot be "stepped down" or organized for you. [Peter] Well, this was the opinion of all the Theosphists, and it is the reason they rejected the claims of the form of Babaji who was present in their midst. As I recounted, I have a picture of that Babaji and Henry Steel Olcott, one of the two founders of Theosophy, as the two pillars, BOAZ, or BETH AYIN ZAYIN, and JACHIN, or JOD KAPH JOD NUN. BOAZ is the controversial item here, since BETH is the Magician, "ego the magician" according to Roshi Philip Kapleau, and AYIN is the Devil, while ZAYIN is the Lovers, according to the Tarot. Even Jesus Christ is supposed to have said, "Ye are of your father the Devil, and his lusts will ye do" - that is the gist of BETH AYIN ZAYIN, in the negative sense. In Zen they say that one must NOT remain in the dualistic state, represented by the two pillars, BOAZ and JACHIN. If one understands the true Middle Way, however, one will understand that this dualism can only be resolved successfully on the side of Deity, on the side of Babaji, not on the side of men, which is the side of Henry Steel Olcott. The true non-dualistic form of the Lord Babaji, revered even by the Theosophists, has a magical troupe about Him, who materialize and dematerialize at will with Him, as they move from place to place. The group of stalwarts of the Theosophical Society, who were in the picture with Babaji and Henry Steel Olcott, could have been transformed into genuine members of Babaji's immortal troupe, but only by resolving the dualism in His favor. If you want to play God, you can, but in that case you will not have the real power of God, which can only come through the true Person of God, who is the Lord Babaji. There is an intimate connection between the Lord Babaji and the Lord Maitreya, which I have discussed elsewhere. Only by complete surrender to the Lord Babaji can one partake of God's real omnipotence. One can easily understand why that omnipotence cannot be wielded by anyone but God Himself, lest it unleash absolute chaos and destruction upon the world as well as the hapless practitioner of the so-called Black Arts. There is in fact a story in Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" in Chapter 33, which is about Babaji, wherein a determined devotee in fact scales the Himalayan cliffs to find the Lord Babaji seated with his magical troupe of fully surrendered devotees. The man asks to be accepted as a disciple of the Great Master. Babaji informs him that he cannot be accepted in his present state, so the man beckons to the cliffs below and says that he will jump if Babaji does not accept him. Babaji says unemotionally, "Jump then", and he jumps! Babaji's shocked devotees fetch the body of the man, broken on the rocks below, back to where Babaji is seated. He waves his omnipotent hand over the man's body and the man is completely restored to wholeness. Babaji then informs the man that he can now be accepted as a disciple and beams upon His new disciple. They *all* vanish from the site via Babaji's method of dematerialization. So, the point is that I think Krishnamurti did to a large extent play God and mislead many, but with David Bohm he acted as a true guru and caused David Bohm to become attuned to the true God, who is the Lord Maitreya (or Lord Babaji). In fact, F. David Peat mentioned in his book, "Infinite Potential", that Bohm was very unhappy that Krishnamurti would not discuss the revelations that he (Bohm) had gotten from Maitreya, such as the idea of the implicate order. Bohm thought that if Krishnamurti had been willing to discuss these ideas, things would have worked out differently between them (for the better). Bohm was of course shaken by the revelations that Krishnamurti had been having an affair with the wife of one of the men who had diligently worked for him, while Krishamurti had been preaching strict celibacy, no less. This goes to support the notion that Krishnamurti was indeed playing God, because although that kind of illicit affair is in fact a primary characteristic of the God Krishna, men are NOT supposed to immitate his actions! Krishnamurti evidently thought of himself as a genuine Incarnation, who owed allegiance to no one above him, but in this he was sorely deluded. [Krishnamurti, cont.] Interest in ideas is mainly sustained by organizations, but organizations only awaken interest from without. Interest, which is not born out of love of Truth for its own sake, but aroused by an organization, is of no value. The organization becomes a framework into which its members can conveniently fit. They no longer strive after Truth or the mountain-top, but rather carve for themselves a convenient niche in which they put themselves, or let the organization place them, and consider that the organization will thereby lead them to Truth. ..............." [Peter] There is also an inner organization of truth, which fact Krishnamurti knew very well. While it is true that outer organizations are to be condemned, the inner organization of truth is in fact above reproach. I, and all others inspired by the Lord Maitreya, hope very much that we are working in the light of the inner organization of truth. That inner organization can manifest on earth, but in truth it can only do so when the Lord Maitreya Himself, who is the Head of that organization, comes in Person. He has now come in Person, and He is awaiting mankind's decision as to whether it wants to live forever or perish utterly. ![]() |